By Cate McQuaid, Boston Globe Correspondent | March 2, 2007
In the fresh, succinct and edgy "Episodes and Itineraries," curated by Alicia Candiani , five South American artists effectively tackle social, political and life-and-death issues. Cecilia Mandrile and Maria Bonomi offer installations, Candiani mounts transparent digital prints hovering in windows like ghosts, and Sebastian Garcia-Huidobro has a dark and ingeniously interactive work that visitors can scratch away at as they would a lottery ticket. "Episodes and Itineraries" pushes the envelope of printmaking more effectively than any work in the Biennial.
Expocition Sherman Galleries.
Name of proyect: “SCRATCH FACE “
First image: five prints 700 x 1000 mm. ploter, plastifive on the motains of pascualama.
Aplication of the ink scracht on the image.
screengraph: print screengraph of the faces the Barrick Gold.
2 paintings 1300 x 1450 mm, on pvc. 2006
Problem of pascualama
This is a global call against this mining project called Pascua-Lama elaborated by the Canandian multinational company Barrick Gold. It is located in the third region of Atacama, Chile, and in the San Juan Province, Argentina. This project will destroy, for sure, the biodiversity of those zones; the way of living of San Juan and Huasco Valley's people; the ancient heritage of the Diaguita People; contaminate the rivers from which the cultivations are irrigated and thus the sustainable development of those zones; make ill and even kill people and animals.
About the Project.
This project is about the building of the large scratch of 1000 x 3.500 mm, divided in 5 sections 700 x1000 mm. the one will keep an image of the San Felix mountains (Pascualama) , this image will be cover by a layer of ink scratch ( silver). The same way you do it in the scratch games. On the scratch ink they will be printed 5 screen graph, orange color with the faces of the owners of the Barrick Gold Company. For the destruction of the Barrick Gold image, there will be coins of $ 100 Chilean pesos (the one is an icon of the popular culture of the scratch )
The intervention of the piece of art, will be scratches by the public. In this sense the piece of art enter in a temporality.
The install of 2 printers 1300 x 1450 mm. The ones were image of setted in the sidewalk of the street as future publicity of a building construction.
These images give us the clue so the public gets the initiative to scratch and insert in a space where you can see the mountain range.
Finally, this work evolves around the social and environment problems of Pascualama project. Focalized in their destruction; in this way we use a methodology to construct through the destruction of the image and thus the creation of new circumstances.